Project Description


Fort Wayne, Indiana based Steel Dynamics, Inc., the fifth largest steel producer in the United States, partnered with Hagerman Construction and Shelby Materials to construct their Rolling Mill Expansion at the Pittsboro, Indiana site. The entire project, which started in March 2013, will require over 10,000 cubic yards of concrete, and will continue to develop and expand over the next few years.

The first major concrete pour was the 1,000 yard foundation mat for the reheat furnace. Utilizing the duel batch plant set-up at our Brownsburg, Indiana location and 34 ready-mix trucks, Shelby Materials delivered over 750 cubic yards of concrete in the first three hours of the pour. Hagerman staged two concrete pumps at the north and south ends of the mat foundation.

Shelby Materials has been involved with the design of the slab mix that will be used for the buildings, which will surround the furnace and connect with the active production line building. Drawing upon our history of providing superior distribution slab floors was another reason Steel Dynamics felt comfortable selecting Shelby Materials as its concrete provider.

The Hagerman Group formed and placed over 20,000 cubic yards of concrete for Steel Dynamics’ Pittsboro plant expansion. Concrete for the continuous and reversing Mill’s foundations, equipment bases, trenches and vertical stands were installed for this project. Varying and sloped elevations in the concrete, installation of over a thousand anchor bolts, multiple steel embeds and an extremely aggressive schedule made for a challenging, but successful Hagerman project.